When using SSL full inspection on a Firewall there are some websites which will not function. I couldn’t find any list on the internet telling me which sites have this issue/feature.
Here’s a list I gathered, please comment on this article if you have more websites with this issue, or if you know a website which already hold such a list.
- International:
- *.adobe.com
- *.adobe.io
- *.adobelogin.com
- *.aliexpress.com
- *.android.com
- *.apple.com
- *.appstore.com
- *.auth.gfx.ms
- *.books.google.com
- *.business.facebook.com
- *.citrixonline.com
- *.doubleclick.net
- *.dropbox.com
- *.eease.com
- *.flickr.com
- *.fortinet.com
- *.ggpht.com
- *.gmail.com
- *.google.com
- *.googleapis.com
- *.googleusercontent.com
- *.googlevideo.com
- *.gotomeeting.com
- *.gstatic.com
- *.icloud.com
- *.ine.com
- *.lastpass.com
- *.licdn.com
- *.linkedin.com
- *.live.com
- *.messenger.live.com
- *.microsoft.com
- *.microsoftonline-p.net
- *.microsoftonline.com
- *.mobileiron.com
- *.msauth.net
- *.msftauth.net
- *.office.com
- *.office.net
- *.office365.com
- *.onmicrosoft.com
- *.oracle.com
- *.outlook.com
- *.pypi.org
- *.softwareupdate.vmware.com
- *.splashtop.com
- *.sso.canon-europe.com
- *.staticflickr.com
- *.teamviewer.com
- *.trendmicro.com
- *.verisign.com
- *.webtrends.com
- *.whatsapp.com
- *.whatsapp.net
- *.windowsupdate.com
- *.yahoo.com
- *.youforce.biz
- *.youtube-nocookie.com
- *.youtube.com
- *.ytimg.com
- *.zoom.us
- *autoupdate.opera.com
- *drive.google.com
- *itunes.apple.com
- *play.google.com
- *swscan.apple.com